Our Meditation Group
- We are everyday people who get together to meditate
- We welcome people from all faiths and none
- We know that Mindfulness brings inner peace
- We know that Mindfulness reduces anxiety and stress
- We are learning to live in the present and not the past
We welcome you
Blue Lotus is made up of people of all ages and all kinds of experience at all levels of practice but basically we are all beginners!!
We started our fellowship as the Stourport Meditation group about six years ago in late 2018 and were based at Ravens in York Street. The coronavirus ended our gatherings abruptly and after a year (where an online weekly meditation was provided) we re-established as Blue Lotus at the Mindfulness Centre in Elms Green.
Following our first Buddhism course, (‘Introduction to Buddhism’), our committee agreed to base all our practice on the teaching of Buddha as taught by the world leaders in mindfulness: Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Llama, Llama Surya Das and Eckhart Tolle. This was because we wanted a sound practice that could lead to spiritual awareness and ‘enlightenment’.
You don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice. You don’t need to be anything – we all share a common humanity and desire to find inner peace.
If you are new or this is the first time you’ve done something like this, we welcome you and we will all benefit from your presence. Please rest easy! There are no list of rules to break: during a meditation session – just go with the flow.
During our hour together, we give ourselves the gift of this time and take care of ourselves. This time is our chance to stop running, to stop doing, to clear our minds and dwell in the present moment.
For one hour, there is nothing to do, nowhere to go. It is a time to drop our worries, our fears, our deadlines and just ‘be’.
2024 Events
Every Thursday
we meet for coffee and conversation at Bonnies (Wildgoose Nature Reserve on the A443 at Holt) 11.00 am.
Just turn up
Every Sunday morning
at 11.00 am until 12.30 am we meet for Meditation at the Mindfulness Centre, Orchard Cottage, Elms Green,WR6 6AX. Next door to the Elms Hotel.
It's free.
You are most welcome.
TMeditation session includes a reading, maybe some music , a talk.Afterwards we chat over a cup of coffee.
Curry / Chinese Nights
We are planning the occasional evening together for a curry or a Chinese/Thai meal. Watch this space for March 2025!